Research Article

Simple Syllabic Calls Accompany Discrete Behavior Patterns in Captive Pteronotus parnellii: An Illustration of the Motivation-Structure Hypothesis

Figure 8

(a) Mean (solid circles) and standard deviation bars for frequency (number of calls per hour) of call production in males versus females. (b) Side-by-side box plots overlaid on density plots indicating the interquartile range (box edges) and the mean (dividing line within box) frequency of vocalization of different simple syllabic call types (CF, NB, and FM) in females (red) versus males (blue). Overlapping points, indicating the same value, are jittered. Composites are made of combinations of simple syllables. Whiskers at each end of the box indicate the 10th and 90th percentiles, and asterisks indicate data points outside this range. “Unknown” refers to call types that could not be easily classified. Other abbreviations are as in Figure 1.