Clinical Study

The Waveform Fluctuation and the Clinical Factors of the Initial and Sustained Erythropoietic Response to Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator in Hemodialysis Patients

Table 1

Comparison of the baseline demographic and clinical parameters among all study patients, initial responders (IR), the rest of the study patients (Non-IR), sustained responders (SR), and the rest of the study patients (Non-SR) after treatment of CERA.

 Case numberAll ( 𝑛 = 6 1 )IR ( 𝑛 = 1 6 )Non-IR ( 𝑛 = 4 5 )SR ( 𝑛 = 1 2 )Non-SR ( 𝑛 = 4 9 )

Age (years)69.05 ± 15.2867.50 ± 17.3169.60 ± 14.6670.58 ± 10.8268.67 ± 16.26
Male 𝑛 (%)28 (46%)8 (50%)20 (44%)8 (67%)20 (41%)
HD duration (months)81 (44.5–118.25)82 (38–116)81 (45–121.5)83.5 (50.25–118.75)81 (41.75–118.25)
BW (kg)57.26 ± 11.1958.35 ± 13.4657.39 ± 10.5155.55 ± 12.0558.18 ± 11.02
DM 𝑛 (%)28 (46%)7 (44%)21 (47%)8 (67%)20 (41%)
Hepatitis 𝑛 (%)4 (7%)0 (0%)4 (9%)1 (8%)3 (6%)
Kt/V1.64 ± 0.231.57 ± 0.281.66 ± 0.211.62 ± 0.221.64 ± 0.24
Clotting during HD 𝑛 (%)9 (15%)1 (7%)8 (17%)1 (8%)8 (16%)
Iron supplement 𝑛 (%)5 (8%)2 (13%)3 (7%)1 (8%)3 (6%)
ACEI/ARB 𝑛 (%)30 (49%)9 (56%)21 (47%)5 (42%)25 (51%)
Statins 𝑛 (%)18 (30%)6 (38%)12 (27%)5 (42%)13 (27%)

HD, hemodialysis; BW, body weight; ACEI/ARB, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/blockers of angiotensin II receptor, type I.