Clinical Study

Clinical Characteristics of Spinal Levobupivacaine: Hyperbaric Compared with Isobaric Solution

Table 4

Quality of surgical anesthesia graded by patients at incision time, at 1 hour and 2 hours after injection of local anesthetic, and at skin suture time. The intervals between skin incision and suture time in isobaric and hyperbaric groups were [min–max] [ 51–135 ] minutes and [ 45–213 ] minutes, respectively. Values are number of patients.

Quality of surgical anesthesia
TimeGroup 𝑛 WorstPoorFairGoodSedated

Skin incisionI*710240
1 hour after injectionI*400211
2 hours after injectionI*201100
Skin sutureI*401201
(time varied)H902511

Worst: discomfort because of pain; Poor: discomfort, feeling intense pressure or traction; Fair: comfortable but experiencing pressure and traction; Good: comfortable without any feeling; Sedated: no grading possible. I*, Isobaric; H, Hyperbaric.