Research Article

Ground Wheat Grain for Midlactation Cows: Challenging a Common Wisdom

Table 4

Treatment effects on blood metabolites, fecal and urine pH, and total tract apparent DM and NDF digestibility in cows fed either finely or coarsely ground wheat grain (GW) at higher and lower inclusion rates.

Grinding extent (GE)
GW level (GL) %CoarserFiner 𝑃 value
10%20%10%20% SEGEGLGE × GL

NDF digestibility, %34.832.
DM digestibility, %62.160.761.
Glucose, mg/dL51.151.650.851.11.700.840.810.96
Total protein, g/dL8.
Albumin, g/dL3.843.753.833.680.070.420.040.56
Globulin, g/dL4.624.464.644.670.140.230.500.32
BHBA, mol/L0.530.640.550.640.070.740.010.71
Fecal pH6.736.776.716.770.030.740.100.66
Urine pH8.