Clinical Study

Auditing Clinical Outcomes after Introducing Off-Licence Prescribing of Atypical Antipsychotic Melperone for Patients with Treatment Refractory Schizophrenia

Table 3

Those 4 patients who stopped Melperone as it is considered “ineffective.”

AgeSexRaceDuration illness/number of previous hospitalisationsDuration of treatmentMax. dose reachedBaseline BPRSFollowup BPRS (time since baseline test)

51MAsian20/313 months400 mg6263 (6 months)
35MBlack African15/44 months600 mg4854 (7 weeks)
51MWhite Cauc.25/5<1 month200 mgNot assessedNot assessed
49FAsian10/3<1 month300 mg7875 (3 weeks)