Research Article

Investigating the Influence of Anthropogenic Forcing on Observed Mean and Extreme Sea Level Pressure Trends over the Mediterranean Region

Table 1

The seventeen coupled ocean-atmosphere models and the number of twentieth century runs with each individual model. The control integrations (runs) used in this study to estimate natural (internal) variability.

Models (number of runs)Number of years used form control integrations

1 BCCR-BCM2-0 (1)250 (8 30-year segments)
2 CCCMA-CGCM3-1 (5) 1000 (33 30-year segments)
3 CCCMA-CGCM3-1-t63 (1)350 (11 30-year segments)
4 CNRM-CM3 (1)500 (16 30-year segments)
5 CSIRO-MK3-0 (1)350 (11 30-year segments)
6 GFDL-CM2-0 (1)500 (16 30-year segments)
7GFDL-CM2-1 (1)500 (16 30-year segments)
8 GISS-AOM (2)250 (8 30-year segments)
9 INGV-ECHAM4 (1)100 (3 30-year segments)
10 INMCM3-0 (1)350 (11 30-year segments)
11 MIROC3-2-HIRES (1)100 (3 30-year segments)
12 MIROC3-2-MEDRES (3)500 (16 30-year segments)
13 MIUB-ECHO-G (3)350 (11 30-year segments)
14 MPI-ECHAM5 (4)500 (16 30-year segments)
15 MRI-CGCM2-3-2A (5)350 (11 30-year segments)
16 NCAR-CCSM3-0 (7)230 (7 30-year segments)
17 UKMO-HADGEM1 (1)160 (5 30-year segments)

Total: 206 non-overlapping 30-year segments