Research Article

In Silico Evolution of Gene Cooption in Pattern-Forming Gene Networks

Figure 8

Effects of the Gene Withdrawal-to-Introduction ratio. Results are averaged over 50 runs for each Withdrawal/Introduction value. (a) Recruitment—growth of the number of genes recruited (population average) during computational evolution without Withdrawal and with high relative Withdrawal rate (0.75). (b) Evolvability—Evaluated cases and success rate against the Withdrawal/Introduction rate. (c) Growth of networks during evolutionary search at different Withdrawal/Introduction rates: population average of genes in initial GRNs, population average of genes in final GRNs, and average functionally coopted recruits (10% threshold). Nearly all recruits are functional. Other parameters are as follows: Popul = 8000; Reprod = 40%; potential recruits = 8; Mut = 32%; Cross = 8%; EvalSum = 1000000.