Research Article

A Hybrid Metaheuristic DE/CS Algorithm for UCAV Three-Dimension Path Planning

Algorithm 4

The main procedure of DE/CS.
Step :  Initialization. Set the generation counter ; initialize the population of NP
    host nests randomly and each egg in a nest corresponding to a potential solution to
    the given problem; set the mutation scaling factor and crossover constant CR.
Step :  While the termination criteria is not satisfied or   < MaxGeneration do
     Sort the population/nests from best to worst.
     Store the best nests to KeepNest.
     Get a cuckoo (say, ) and replace its solution by performing Algorithm 3.
      ; .
     for   to NP do
     end for
     for   to NP do
       if   then
       end if
     end for
     Keep the best solutions/nests.
     Sort the population/nest from best to worst and find the current best.
     Replace the worst nests with the best nests KeepNest stored.
     Pass the current best to the next generation.
Step   : end while
Step : Post-processing the results and visualization.