Clinical Study

Noni Juice Improves Serum Lipid Profiles and Other Risk Markers in Cigarette Smokers

Table 2

Total cholesterol (TC), LDL, and triglyceride levels within specified baseline ranges among the aggregate noni juice group (both doses combined).

Baseline rangeBaseline Posttest

Total cholesterol (TC)
 190–219 mg/dL204.4 ± 9.3190.8 ± 41.6
 220–299 mg/dL249.1 ± 21.5203.9 ± 69.4a
300 mg/dL328.7 ± 22.8256.4 ± 89.3b
 TC 190–219 mg/dL154.6 ± 10.3140.8 ± 21.6b
 TC 220–299 mg/dL199.1 ± 20.5153.4 ± 1.4a
 TC > 300 mg/dL287.7 ± 20.8206.4 ± 39.3
Triglycerides (Trig)
 170–199 mg/dL184.1 ± 7.5166.6 ± 95.3b
 200–399 mg/dL266.7 ± 48.0209.1 ± 129.3b
400 mg/dL553.6 ± 143.5255.5 ± 219.7

aP < 0.001, bP < 0.05 compared to baseline.