Clinical Study

Surgical Treatment of Patients with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Phenotype

Figure 3

Clinical data of a patient with tuberous sclerosis. (a) CT scan showing calcification of the cortex and subependymal zone. (b) MRI showing subependymal zone tubers and cortex tubers. (c) Interictal (upper part) and ictal (lower part) SPECT results. Arrows point to interictal hypoperfusion and ictal hyperperfusion of the right frontal epileptic focus and left occipital epileptic focus. (d) Resected cortex tubers in operation. (e) EEG showing PFA. (f) EEG showing SSW. (g) EEG showing epileptiform discharges during a partial seizure (left occipital lobe). (h) Postoperative EEG. Data were from patient no.: 14 in Tables 1 and 2.