Research Article

Quality of Life in Menopausal Women: A Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Cervantes Scale

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of brazilian women participating in the validation of the brazilian portuguese version of the cervantes scale ( 𝑛 = 1 8 0 ).


Age (years)52.3 ± 5.0

Skin color
 White162 (90.0%)
 Mixed10 (5.6%)
 Black8 (4.4%)

 Elementary94 (52.2%)
 High school40 (22.2%)
 University46 (25.6%)
Professionally active97 (53.9%)

Monthly family income
 1 to 2 minimum wages28 (15.6%)
 3 to 4 minimum wages57 (31.7%)
 5 to 7 minimum wages52 (28.9%)
 8 to 10 minimum wages15 (8.3%)
 >11 minimum wages28 (15.6%)

Smoking (cigarettes/day)
 No153 (85.0%)
 Up to 1012 (6.7%)
 10 to 2014 (7.8%)
 >201 (0.6%)

Weekly alcohol consumption
 No129 (71.7%)
 1 to 2 times46 (25.6%)
 ≥3 times5 (2.8%)

Physical activity*
 No89 (49.4%)
 1 to 2 times/weeks42 (23.3%)
 ≥3 times/weeks49 (27.2%)
Hot flashes78 (43.3%)

Clinical status
 Premenopause83 (46.1%)
 Menopause with hormone replacement46 (25.6%)
 Menopause without hormone replacement51 (28.3%)

Variables expressed as median ± standard deviation or absolute and relative frequency.
*≥30 daily minutes.