Research Article

The Effect of High Concentrations of Glufosinate Ammonium on the Yield Components of Transgenic Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Constitutively Expressing the bar Gene

Table 1

Significance levels of the averages of the eight repeat experiments at LSD005 in the well-filled (i) and in the low-filled (ii) groups and in case of the total yield per plants (iii) according to one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA).


Spikes per plant (pc)1,051aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Grains per spikes (pc)1,893aaaaaaaaaaaaab
Thousand kernel weight (g)1,855aaaabbbbbccccc
Sum. yield of spikes (g)0,836aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Spikes per plant (pc)1,111aaaaaaaaaaaBCC
Grains per spikes (pc)2,274aaaabaaabbbbcc
Thousand kernel weight (g)1,947aaaaabbbcccccd
Sum. yield of spikes (g)0,734aaaaaaabbbbaaa


Total yield of plants (g)0,846aaaaaaabbbbbab