Research Article

Assessment of Physical-Chemical Characteristics of Water and Sediments from a Brazilian Tropical Estuary: Status and Environmental Implications

Table 6

Positions 2 𝜃 for minerals in the silt fraction of the sediment collected at sampling point 3, in March of 2007 [2527].

Mineral (chemical formula)Positions 2 𝜃

Kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4)14.2139 and 28.8365
Feldspar (CaAlSi3O8, KAlSi3O8 or NaAlSi3O8,)31.93
Illite [general formula: Kx(Al2)(Si4-x Alx)O10 (OH)2]10.1354 and 20.5040
Quartz (SiO2)24.1458 and 30.9085