Research Article

Is There an Association between Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index among Adolescents in Mauritius?

Table 1

Classification of food groups according to dietary guidelines.

Food groups Standard dietary guidelines usedDietary guidelines
Consumption frequenciesScores

(1) Cooked vegetables (1) USDA* MyPyramid [39]: “Vary your veggies”
(2) AHA** [40]: “Eat fruits and vegetables daily, limit juice intake”
(3) MOHQL*** [41]: “Eat more fruits and vegetables”
1More than once daily4
Once daily3
0Once or more per week2
Once or more per month1

(2) Raw vegetablesSame as for cooked vegetables1More than once daily4
Once daily3
0Once or more per week2
Once or more per month1

(3) Fruits(1) USDA MyPyramid: “Focus on fruits”
(2) AHA: “Eat fruits and vegetables daily, limit juice intake”
(3) MOHQL: “Eat more fruits and vegetables”
1More than once daily4
0Once daily3
Once or more per week2
Once or more per month1

(4) Wholegrain cereals(1) USDA MyPyramid: “Make half your grains whole”
(2) AHA: “Eat whole grain breads and cereals rather than refined grain products”
1More than once daily4
Once daily3
Once or more per week2
0Once or more per month1

(5) Refined cerealsSame as for wholegrain cereals1Rarely/never0
Once or more per month1
Once or more per week2
Once daily3
0More than once daily4

(6) Low-fat milk and dairy products(1) USDA MyPyramid: “Get your calcium-rich foods. Make sure your milk, yogurt, or cheese is lowfat or fat-free”
(2) AHA: “Use non-fat (skim) or lowfat milk and dairy products daily”
1More than once daily4
0Once daily3
Once or more per week2
Once or more per month1

(7) Full-cream milk and dairy productsSame as for low fat milk and dairy products1Rarely/never0
Once or more per month1
0Once or more per week2
Once daily3
More than once daily4

(8) Low-fat protein sources(1) USDA MyPyramid: “Go lean with proteins”
(2) AHA: “Eat more fish, especially oily fish, broiled or baked”
1More than once daily4
Once daily3
Once or more per week2
0Once or more per month1

(9) High-fat protein sourcesSame as for low fat protein sources1Rarely/never0
Once or more per month1
Once or more per week2
0Once daily3
More than once daily4

(10) Sweetened foods(1) USDA MyPyramid: “Reduce intake of sugar-sweetened foods and beverages”1Rarely/never0
Once or more per month1
0Once or more per week2
Once daily3
More than once daily4

(11) Fats(1) MOHQL: “eat foods low in fats especially saturated fats”1Rarely/never0
Once or more per month1
Once or more per week2
Once daily3
0More than once daily4

(12) Oily foodsSame as for fats1Rarely/never0
Once or more per month1
0Once or more per week2
Once daily3
More than once daily4

*USDA: United States Department of Agriculture; **AHA: American Heart Association; ***MOHQL: Ministry of Health and Quality of Life (Mauritius).