Research Article

Physiological and Growth Responses of Six Turfgrass Species Relative to Salinity Tolerance

Table 2

Main effect and interaction effect on different variables by salinity and species.

VariableSalinitySpeciesSalinity × species

Leaf firing1665.78***513.16***75.83***
Shoot dry weight95.82***1317.65***4.01***
Root dry weight79.83***287.54***1.15 ns
Relative water content78.07***13.85***1.45 ns
Chlorophyll-a30.03***152.19***0.89 ns
Total chlorophyll65.86***206.75***2.13***

Numbers are 𝐹 values significant at *** 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 0 1 , ns: not significant.