Research Article

Diversity of the Neglected and Underutilized Crop Species of Importance in Benin

Table 8

Research needs on the priority neglected and underutilised crop species of Benin.

SpeciesResearch topics

Bidens pilosaxxxxxxxxxx
Blighia sapidaxxxxxxx
Cajanus cajanxxxxxxxx
Ceratotheca sesamoidesxxxxxxxx
Citrullus lanatus xxxxxxx
Cleome gynandraxxxxxxxxx
Corchorus olitoriusxxxxxxxx
Crassocephalum crepidioidesxxxxxxxxx
Crassocephalum rubensxxxxxxxxx
Cucumeropsis manniixxxxxxx
Cyperus esculentus xxxxxxxxxxx
Dioscorea dumetorum xxxxxxxxxx
Ipomea batatasxxxxxxxxx
Launaea taraxacifoliaxxxxxxxxxxx
Macrotyloma geocarpumxxxxxxxxx
Pennisetum glaucumxxxxxxxx
Sesamum indicumxxxxxxxxx
Sphenostylis stenocarpaxxxxxxxx
Vigna subterraneaxxxxxxxx

ET: ethnobotanical investigation and documentation of the indigenous knowledge; PC: identification and prioritisation of the production constraints; DO: domestication; AG: agromorphological characterisation and genetic diversity analysis; IA: improvement of the agricultural practices; PD: documentation of the pests and diseases; AE: agronomic (yield, biotic and abiotic stresses) evaluation; SQ: assessment of the seeds quality and conservation; BC: analysis of the biochemical composition and assessment of the nutritional values; PH: improvement of postharvest conservation and processing technologies; VC: study of the value chains and assessment of the contribution to household income; GC: germplasm collection and conservation.