Clinical Study

Reinstitution of Mechanical Ventilation within 14 Days as a Poor Predictor in Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation Patients following Successful Weaning

Table 2

Prognostic factors of 1-year mortality in prolonged mechanical ventilation patients with successful weaning by univariate and multivariate analyses.


Age (year)<70 versus ≥700.04
Gender (M/F)Male versus female0.66
Transfer originMICU versus SICU0.16
TracheostomyYes versus no0.50
ComaYes versus no0.34
Stay duration in RCC (D)<21 versus ≥210.13
MV duration (D)<50 versus ≥500.80
RSBI<105 versus ≥1050.49
APACHE II scores<25 versus ≥250.55
the reinstitution dateWithin 14 days versus beyond<0.001*

Underlying disease
Diabetes mellitusYes versus no0.65
HypertensionYes versus no0.81
RIFLE-LE Yes versus no0.02
StrokeYes versus no0.28
Liver cirrhosisYes versus no0.89
COPD (%)Yes versus no0.50

Cox proportional hazards regression model, 𝑃 < 0 . 0 0 1 ; 95% CI = 1.64–4.51; HR = 2.72.
Classification of renal diseases by the RIFLE criteria (acronym indicating risk of renal dysfunction, injury to the kidney, failure of kidney function, loss of kidney function, and end-stage kidney disease).