Clinical Study

Comparison of Immediate and 2-Year Outcomes between Excimer Laser-Assisted Angioplasty with Spot Stent and Primary Stenting in Intermediate to Long Femoropopliteal Disease

Table 1

Baseline demographics.

Gr A Gr B value

Patient No.2976
Age 0.21
Gender: male 16 (55%)35(46%)0.37
Underlying disease
 Diabetes Mellitus 24(83%)65(86%)0.72
 Hypertension 23 (79%)66 (86%)0.34
 CAD/CVA 22(75%)52 (69%)0.45
 Chronic renal failure or dialysis dependence 20(69%)47(62%)0.49
 CHF 3(10%)8(11%)1.0
 Smoking 9(31%)22(32%)0.83
 Hyperlipidemia 18(62%)46 (61%)0.89
Treated limbs
Target limb ABI 0.75
CRP (mg/dL) 0.27
Clinical presentation
 Intermittent claudication 12(37%)18(21%)0.06
 Rest pain8(25%)16(18%)0.43
 Unhealing ulcer 8(25%)37(43%)0.08
 Gangrene4 (13%)16 (18%)0.45

ABI: ankle brachial pressure index; CAD: coronary artery disease; CRP: C-reactive protein; CVA: cerebrovascular accident; CHF: congestive heart failure.