Research Article

Molecular Docking Study of Conformational Polymorph: Building Block of Crystal Chemistry

Table 1

Crystal data and structure refinement for polymorphs 1a and 1b.


Empirical formulaC18H18N4O2C18H18N4O2
Formula weight322.36322.36
Crystal systemMonoclinicMonoclinic
Space group “
Unit cell dimensions (Å) 10.025(2), 13.356(3),
11.964(2), 94.19(3)
10.0026(4), 3.6580(8),
12.0838(7), 93.802(4)
Volume (Å3)1597.6 (6)1647.20 (15)
Calculated density1.3401.484
Absorption coefficient0.0910.098
θ range for data collection (°)2.29–25.022.96–32.37
Limiting indices , , −11/11, −15/15, −14/14−14/14, −18/20, −18/16
Refinement methodFull-matrix least-squares on Full-matrix least-squares on
Final indices [ > 2 ( )] = 0.0505, = 0.1041 = 0.0595, = 0.1660
indices (all data) = 0.0528, = 0.1054 = 0.2097, = 0.2105