Research Article

Eating Problems and Overlap with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Nationwide Twin Study of 9- and 12-Year-Old Children

Table 3

Intraclass correlations, heritability estimates, and cross-twin cross-trait correlations for the collapsed sample and by gender.

Intraclass correlations (95% CI:s)Heritability estimates (95% CI:s)Cross-twin, cross-trait correlations (95% CI:s)Phenotypic correlations (95% CI:s)

ALL 0.420.180.44 0.000.560.160.13 0.20
(0.39–0.45)(0.15–0.21)(0.40–0.48)(0.00–0.02)(0.53–0.60)(0.11–0.21) (0.09–0.17)(0.10–0.19)(0.07–0.15)(0.13–0.18)(0.18–0.22)
Boys0.340.100.32 0.000.680.190.15 0.170.14 0.18 0.23
Girls0.480.230.530.000.47 0.16 0.140.17 0.090.16 0.18

EAT-P: eating problems, MZ: monozygotic, DZ-ss: dizygotic same sex, CI:s: confidence intervals.
A: genetic factors, C: shared environmental factors, and E: nonshared environmental factors.
Pairs where information was eligible from both twins were included in the analyses, giving a total of 1620 MZ boys, 1694; DZ girls, 2310 DZ-ss boys 2310, and 1944 DZ-ss girls.