Research Article

Naive Bayes-Guided Bat Algorithm for Feature Selection

Algorithm 1

BANB Algorithm.
(1) Initialize parameters: ,
(2) Generate a swarm with bats
(3) Calculate cost function for all bats
(4) Find the current best bat ( )
(5) While stop condition not met Do
(6)  For   = 1 to     Do
(7)   Frequency  
(8)   Velocity  
(9)   If     Then
(10)       If     Then
(11)     Locations    
(12)    If ( ) Then
(13)   calculate
(14)        If     Then
(15)        If     Then
(16)   Generate a local solution around the best
    solution ( )
(17)  End-If
(18)       Calculate
(19)  If     Then
(20)    If     Then
(21)   Generate a new solution around the current
(22)    If  
(23)      If  
(24)        accept the new solution
(25)        Increase
(26)        Decrease
(27)     End-If
(28)   End-For
(29)   Find the current best solution