Research Article

Effects of PARP-1 Deficiency on Th1 and Th2 Cell Differentiation

Figure 1

PARP-1 deficient cells display impaired Th2 cell polarization. Naïve CD4 T cells from wild type (WT, filled symbols) and PARP-1KO (KO, unfilled symbols) mice were stimulated with anti-CD3 mAb and either anti-CD28 mAb or recombinant CD80 or rCD86. (a) and (c) After 7 days of stimulation, culture supernatants were collected and analyzed by ELISA to assess IL-4 and IL-5 concentrations. (b) After 7 days of stimulation, cells were collected, restimulated with PMA and ionomycin for 6 hours in the presence of brefeldin A, and analyzed by flow cytometry to assess the frequency of IL-4-producing cells. Representative dot plots are shown. Numbers represent mean percentages of IL-4+ cells ± S.E.; ctrl, control antibody. (d) Culture supernatants from cells stimulated with anti-CD3 and rCD86 in the presence of graded concentrations of IL-4 (0–10 ng/mL) were analyzed for IL-5 by ELISA. Values represent means ± S.E. Results were confirmed in three other independent experiments. * for KO versus WT cells in (a), (b), (c), and (d) panels.