Research Article

A Robust Hybrid Approach Based on Estimation of Distribution Algorithm and Support Vector Machine for Hunting Candidate Disease Genes

Algorithm 1

The step-by-step recipe for the computational algorithm of the EDA-SVM approach.
Step  1. Read gene expression profile matrix from database, is the number of genes in .
Step  2. Generate individuals (the initial population) randomly. Each individual has an -
length vector of bits of either 1 or 0.
Step  3. For each individual in , determine:
a gene subset corresponding to individual . If bit i equals to 1, include in the subset.
gene expression profile submatrix.
Step  4. retain individuals with the highest evaluations.
Step  5. arg calculate marginal distribution of variable of bit i based on by
using the formula: , where is the value of the variable in
individual .
calculate weight of corresponding to feature based on .
, where is weight of bit in
individual .
compute probability distribution of each bit , which is written
mathematically as:
Pr Pr .
is learning rate. is generated at random.
Step  6. generate new individuals by sampling the probability distribution.
Step  7. .
Step  8. .
Step  9. End output the optimal individual based on the evaluation with: .