Research Article

Comparative Analysis and Systematic Mapping of the Labial Sensilla in the Nepomorpha (Heteroptera: Insecta)

Figure 9

Types and sizes of sensilla of the Nepinae (Laccotrephes japonensis). (a) TRS1, TRS2 are placed dorsally (D) near of apex on the last segment of the labium, and TRS1, TRS2 are distributed laterally (L), CBS are distributed all over the surface of the last segment of the labium, and COS are visible in the proximal part of the IV segment. (b) TRS 1, TRS2 are placed ventrally (V) near the apex of the labium. LL: lateral left lobe, LR: lateral right lobe, Al, apical plate. (c) CBS are numerous and evenly distributed. (d) TBS, BAS, SQS, and CH1 are located dorsally and ventrally on III and II labial segment. (e) PAS1 (no. 2–12) and PIP (no. 1). (f) SQS are densely distributed over the ventral side.