Research Article

An Approach of Vulnerability Testing for Third-Party Component Based on Condition and Parameter Mutation

Algorithm 2

Input: method sequences Paths, pre-conditions Pres, post-conditions Posts
Output: condition testing report CR
(01) for (each Path  in  Paths)
(02) for (each method  in  Path)
(03) {
(04)   if (method has pre-condition(Prc))
(06)  call TCES to generate test cases that meet Prc;
(07)  run method;
(08) if (method throws exceptions)
(09)    {
(10)     catch the exceptions;
(11)     The information including exceptions, test cases, method, and pre-condition are recorded into CR;
(12)    }
(13) if (post-condition is violated)
(14)   The information including test cases, method, and pre-condition are recorded into CR;
(15)  call PCMA to obtain mutated constraint equation set S;
(16)  call TCES to solve S;
(17)  run method;
(18) if (method is run successfully and actual result is different from expected result)
(19)   The information including test cases, method, and mutated condition are recorded into CR;
(20)  }
(21) else
(22)  {
(23)  some fuzzed values and boundary values are generated to run method;
(24) if (post-condition is violated)
(25)   The information including test cases, method, and post-condition information are recorded into CR;
(26)  }
(27)  }
(28) return CR;