Research Article

An Approach of Vulnerability Testing for Third-Party Component Based on Condition and Parameter Mutation

Procedure 3

(01) object SPMV(T type)
(02) {
(03) swich(type)
(04)  {
(05) case integer: PSN, IPO, PFB and IIV are used to test values ts; break;
(06) case char: PSN, IPO, PFB and CIV are used to test values ts; break;
(07) case float: PSN and FIV are used to test values ts; break;
(08) case Boolean: PSN and BIV are used to test values ts; break;
(09) case string: PSN, RSV, LSV, FSV, DSV, USV, CSV, SSI and CSS are used to test values ts; break;
(10)   case pointer: PSN and PIV are used to test values ts; break;
(11)   case array: PSN and AIV are used to test values ts; break;
(12)   case structure: PSN and SIV are used to test values ts break;
(13)  }
(14) return  ts;
(15) }