Clinical Study

Maternal Hypotension during Fetoscopic Surgery: Incidence and Its Impact on Fetal Survival Outcomes

Table 3

Perioperative characteristics of patients with and without intraoperative hypotension. Intraoperative hypotension is defined as maternal systolic blood pressure below 80% of baseline and an absolute value less than 90 mmHg. Only nifedipine exposure patients were included to minimize confounder. The Cincinnati staging system, which integrates the severity of cardiomyopathy into IIIa (mild cardiomyopathy), IIIb (moderate cardiomyopathy), IIIc (severe cardiomyopathy), and IV (hydrops), was used to compare the severity of TTTS in this study.

Hypotension ( )No hypotension ( ) value

 Gestational age at procedure (week) 0.148
 Cincinnati staging
  (i) IIIa14 (12.4%)9 (9.7%)0.653
  (ii) IIIb23 (20.4%)19 (20.4%)
  (iii) IIIc67 (59.3%)58 (62.4%)
  (iv) IV9 (8.0%)7 (7.5%)
 Surgery time (min) 0.590
 Anesthesia time (min) 0.206
 Duration of intraoperative hypotension (min) 0
 Number of patients who received intraoperative vasopressor113 (100%)88 (94.6%)0.013
 Number of vasopressor treatments <0.001
 Donor twin
  Gestational age at birth (week) 0.713
  Body weight at birth (g) 0.683
 Recipient twin
  Gestational age at birth (week) 0.713
  Body weight at birth (g) 0.973

Data shown in mean ± SD, or number (%).