Clinical Study

Maternal Hypotension during Fetoscopic Surgery: Incidence and Its Impact on Fetal Survival Outcomes

Table 4

Fetal survival outcomes of patients with and without intraoperative hypotension. The acute survival rate of the recipient and donor twins was determined by ultrasound or fetal echocardiogram performed on days 3–5 after fetoscopic surgery. The survival rate at birth of the recipient twin and donor twins was defined as live birth at delivery.

Hypotension ( )No hypotension ( ) -value

Acute fetal survival
 Donor 98 (86.7%)84 (90.3%)0.423
 Recipient 105 (92.9%)86 (92.5%)0.902
 At least one twin108 (95.6%)89 (95.7%)0.965
Survival at birth
 Donor 85 (75.2%)73 (78.5%)0.580
 Recipient 100 (88.5%)86 (92.5%)0.337
 At least one twin105 (92.9%)89 (95.7%)0.397

Data shown in number (%).