Review Article

Computational and Bioinformatics Frameworks for Next-Generation Whole Exome and Genome Sequencing

Table 1

ProgramSource typeDescriptionWebsite

BowtieOpen sourceUngapped alignment
Refined use of FM Index using the BWT
Fast and memory-efficient alignment
Quality value output

Bowtie2Open sourceExtends Bowtie approach to be useful for gapped alignment

SEALOpen sourceComparison of alignment algorithms using simulated short read sequencing runs

SOAP3Open sourceGapped and ungapped alignment;
Specialized for detecting and genotyping SNPs
Hash table accelerates searching using BWT-based index
Reports multiple possibilities rather than single best match
Increased speed using GPU

BWA, BWA-SWOpen sourceMost common/standard method used
Index with BWT that is faster than the hash-based index used for MAQ
Quality score reported

mrFAST, mrsFASTOpen sourceSeed-and-extend alignment method with hash table inex for reference genome
Reports all read mappings instead of single best mapping Useful for CNVs, structural variants

Novocraft’s proprietary software with hashing strategy
High accuracy for single end mapping
Focused on sensitivity

SHRiMP/SHRiMP2Open sourceSpecialized for SOLiD color-space reads using spaced seeds and SWA
Also applicable for regular letter-space reads
Handles higher level of polymorphisms

MAQOpen sourceUngapped alignment
Hash-based index with quality score for mapping

StampyOpen sourceHybrid mapping algorithm and statistical model, complementary to BWA

Hash-based alignment program

LAST alignerOpen sourceProbablistic alignment quality scores as well as usual score matrix
Useful for preprocessing for SNP/indel calling

SARUMANOpen SourceMapping approach for single-end reads that returns all possible alignments with given error threshold with high speed using GPUs