Research Article

Evolving MCDM Applications Using Hybrid Expert-Based ISM and DEMATEL Models: An Example of Sustainable Ecotourism

Table 1

System component definitions.

Components Definitions Elements Reference

C1: engagement consequences The desired results of engagement behavior E11: loyalty and satisfaction
E12: empowerment
E13: connection and emotional bonds
E14: trust and commitment

C2: engagement behavior The interaction and value co-creation behavior of community members E21: sharing
E22: learning
E23: co-development
E24: advocating
E25: socializing

C3: perceived behavioral control An individual’s perception on the ease or difficulty of conducting the behavior [51, 90]

C4: attitude A favorable or unfavorable evaluation of something E41: object-based attitude
E42: behavioral attitude

C5: environmentally Conscious Behavior Recognizing the serious of environmental problems, people proactively engaged in recycling, saving electricity and water, and so forth E51: environmental concern
E52: perceived customer effectiveness

C6: subjective norms An individual’s estimate of the social pressure on him/her to engage or not engage in the target behavior [51]

C7: perceived usefulness Beliefs concerning instrumental outcomes associated with technology use [92]

C8: perceived ease of use Beliefs that technology use will be relatively free of cognitive burden [92]

C9: information satisfaction The degree of favorableness with respect to the information produced by the system [59]

Ca: system satisfaction The degree of favorableness with respect to the system and the mechanics of interaction [59]

Cb: information quality Desired features of the information produced by the system Cb1: completeness
Cb2: accuracy
Cb3: format
Cb4: currency

Cc: system quality Desired features of the system and the mechanism of interaction Cc1: reliability
Cc2: flexibility
Cc3: integration
Cc4: accessibility
Cc5: timeliness