Research Article

Effect of Forest Structural Change on Carbon Storage in a Coastal Metasequoia glyptostroboides Stand

Table 2

Carbon storage in the thinned, underplanted, and unthinned treatments (standard deviation in brackets); different letters in the same line indicate there are significant differences among the three treatments (5% level, Duncan test).

Components of carbon storageThinned (t C ha−1)Underplanted (t C ha−1)Unthinned (t C ha−1)

Vegetation aboveground carbon storage
 M. glyptostroboides 95.91 (6.82)a97.78 (9.43)a60.22 (5.95)b
Understory wood plant0.78 (0.15)b4.63 (0.64)a0.18 (0.03)c
Herbaceous plant0.71 (0.11)a0.23 (0.03)b0.06 (0.01)b
Sum of aboveground 97.4 (6.27)a102.64 (8.29)a60.46 (5.17)b
Vegetation underground carbon storage
 M. glyptostroboides 25.71 (3.26)a26.20 (2.98)a16.21 (3.02)b
Understory wood plant0.23 (0.04)b2.53 (0.42)a0.05 (0.01)c
Herbaceous plant0.13 (0.01)a0.04 (0.01)b0.01 (0.00)b
Sum of underground 26.06 (1.36)a28.77 (2.83)a16.27 (1.68)b
Litterfall 2.14 (0.39)ab2.54 (0.32)a1.75 (0.08)b
Soil organic carbon 123.06 (9.71)ab135.40 (7.95)a118.84 (10.06)b
Total ecosystem carbon storage248.66 (16.43)a269.35 (21.51)a197.32 (19.38)b