Research Article

A Temperature-Based Model for Estimating Monthly Average Daily Global Solar Radiation in China

Table 3

The minimum, maximum, and average values of the statistical indicators for the four models at the 65 stations in China.

ErrorModelWet regionSemiwet regionSemi-arid regionArid regionOverall

MPEHS−0.8776 8.7307 2.5114 −0.2146 0.9753 0.2416 −0.1027 0.5700 0.2023 −0.2488 1.2711 0.1362 −0.8776 8.7307 1.1600
Samani−2.6927 3.9379 1.1221 −2.9563 4.3446 0.8382 −5.6928 4.0134 0.0326 −4.8029 3.8377 −0.9011 −5.6928 4.3446 0.5254
Chen−0.8200 2.3224 0.8990 0.0623 0.6648 0.2495 0.0623 0.5936 0.2474 0.0757 0.5148 0.2490 −0.8200 2.3224 0.5189
Equation (4)−0.4714 1.4145 0.4072 −0.1984 0.7587 0.1067 −0.2414 0.3613 0.1086 −0.4718 0.4250 0.0361 −0.4718 1.4145 0.2199

MBEHS−0.2237 0.6223 −0.0024 −0.1528 0.4181 0.1358 −0.0962 0.4891 0.1759 −0.1936 0.4919 0.2205 −0.2237 0.6223 0.0995
Samani−0.4043 0.5132 0.0285 −0.4681 0.6410 0.1842 −1.0949 0.6886 0.0646 −0.8158 0.8158 −0.0861 −1.0949 0.8158 0.0536
Chen−0.2592 0.5091 −0.0316 −0.1040 0.4187 0.1107 −0.0409 0.3427 0.1378 −0.0711 0.4193 0.1431 −0.2592 0.5091 0.0617
Equation (4)−0.0536 0.1681 0.0511 −0.0710 0.0747 0.0184 −0.0659 0.0934 0.0159 −0.0867 0.0919 0.0201 −0.0867 0.1681 0.0318

RMSEHS0.6398 2.3068 1.4972 0.3878 1.2721 0.7589 0.3489 1.3869 0.7508 0.5161 1.3956 0.9760 0.3489 2.3068 1.1009
Samani0.5503 1.8496 1.0371 0.2622 1.1235 0.7129 0.3624 1.2429 0.8792 0.3661 1.2611 0.9003 0.2622 1.8496 0.9074
Chen0.5085 1.9254 1.1351 0.2976 1.2655 0.6849 0.3005 1.2403 0.7090 0.3962 1.4056 0.8036 0.2976 1.9254 0.8961
Equation (4)0.2688 1.1429 0.6579 0.2356 0.8538 0.4382 0.1524 0.8140 0.4234 0.2301 0.8039 0.5204 0.1524 1.1429 0.5408

NSEHS0.2311 0.9837 0.7651 0.7575 0.9931 0.9540 0.9284 0.9960 0.9715 0.9297 0.9933 0.9656 0.2311 0.9960 0.8805
Samani0.5717 0.9818 0.8872 0.8169 0.9957 0.9616 0.8644 0.9969 0.9582 0.9424 0.9966 0.9690 0.5717 0.9969 0.9314
Chen0.5730 0.9817 0.8708 0.7962 0.9945 0.9616 0.9288 0.9968 0.9740 0.9470 0.9960 0.9761 0.5730 0.9968 0.9284
Equation (4)0.8324 0.9930 0.9534 0.8908 0.9975 0.9821 0.9418 0.9988 0.9889 0.9768 0.9987 0.9887 0.8324 0.9988 0.9724