Research Article

Clinical and Pathological Changes in Rams Experimentally Infected with Actinobacillus seminis and Histophilus somni

Table 1

Frequency (%) of Actinobacillus  seminis and Histophilus  somni isolation from semen, blood, urine, and tissue samples from experimentally infected rams during six weeks of infection.

SampleActinobacillus  seminis Histophilus  somni

Semen70.0% (42/70)a38.3% (23/70)b
Blood0.0% (0/70)a0.0% (0/70)a
Urine60.0% (36/70)a40.0% (24/70)b
Organs17.1% (36/210)a13.3% (28/210)a

Different letters in the same line are results that differed by Fisher’s exact test ( ).