Research Article

Clinical and Pathological Changes in Rams Experimentally Infected with Actinobacillus seminis and Histophilus somni

Table 2

Frequency (%) of gross changes in rams experimentally infected with Actinobacillus  seminis or Histophilus  somni.

Macroscopic changes in infected sheep ( )Actinobacillus  seminis Histophilus  somni

Abscess in the left epididymis tail50%50%
Abscess in the left epididymis body20%40%
Abscess in the right epididymis tail10%0%
Scrotal swelling10%0%
Fibrin in the pampiniform plexus0%30%
Fibrinous periorchitis20%30%
Hemorrhage adjacent left epididymis tail20%10%
Tunica vaginalis thickening with fibrous adhesion40%60%
Hypotrophy left testis50%10%
Increase in volume of vesicular glands30%0%
Increase in volume of the left urethral bulb 10%10%
Inguinal lymphadenomegaly60%20%
Iliac lymphadenomegaly50%20%