Research Article

Mobile Recommendation Based on Link Community Detection

Algorithm 1

Link label diffusion algorithm (LLDA).
Input: mobile network .
Output: link community structure .
(1) for each is the number of links in
(2)   node label with higher degree in the two nodes connected by
(3)  initialized label modification marker of links
(4) end for
(5) labelList the set of nonredundant labels ranged by the number of links with the same label in descending order
(6) for each   labelList
(7)   dnEdges select a set from the links whose labels are in the network
(8)   for each   dnEdges and
(9)   st search the triangle set which include link , and extract the set of nodes in without nodes and .
(10)  for each
(11)   if
(12)    ; ; ;
(13)      end if
(14)  end for
(15)  end for
(16) end for
(17) for each and
(18)   the most frequent labels of the neighbor links of link
(19) end for