Research Article

Virulence Profiles, Phylogenetic Background, and Antibiotic Resistance of Escherichia coli Isolated from Turkeys with Airsacculitis

Table 1

Distribution of 225 E. coli strains according to the phylogenetic group and presence of virulence genes.

Group ( )Prevalence (%)

A (38)33 (87)37 (97)27 (71)19 (48)1 (2)24 (63)15 (38)0 (0)3 (8)1 (2)5 (13)4.3
B1 (64)62 (96)59 (92)38 (59)24 (38)1 (1)43 (67)14 (22)2 (3)16 (25)8 (12)8 (14)4.2
B2 (112)109 (97)105 (93)81 (72)80 (71)*52 (46)*79 (70)85 (75)*40 (36)*50 (45)*24 (21)24 (21)6.5
D (11)10 (90)10 (90)6 (54)5 (45)2 (18)6 (54)3 (27)1 (9)3 (27)1 (9)2 (18)4.4

Total (225)214 (95)211 (93)152 (67)128 (56)56 (24)152 (67)116 (51)43 (19)71 (31)34 (15)39 (17)5.4

Positive association between virulence factor and phylogenetic group ( ).
VS: virulence score. A virulence score was calculated for each isolate as the sum of all virulence factors.
value was determined using Fisher’s exact test for comparisons among virulence factors and phylogenetic groups.