Research Article

Association between a Variant in MicroRNA-646 and the Susceptibility to Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Large-Scale Population

Table 4

Comparison of genotype/allele frequencies of miR-646 rs6513497 in female subjects.

Genotypes Controls HCC patients HCC patients with HBV
Number (%) Number (%) OR (95% CI)a valueaNumber (%) OR (95% CI)a valuea

miR-646 rs6513497 = 272 = 178 = 128
 TT225 (82.7) 140 (78.7) 1.000 103 (80.5) 1.000
 GT43 (15.8) 37 (20.8) 1.355 (0.817–2.246) 0.239 24 (18.8) 1.318 (0.727–2.389)0.363
 GG4 (1.5) 1 (0.5) 0.409 (0.0443–0.799) 0.431 1 (0.7) 0.597 (0.061–5.833)0.657
Dominant model
(TT versus GT + GG)
1.274 (0.777–2.088) 0.377 1.254 (0.702–2.240)0.444
Recessive model
(TT + GT versus GG)
0.386 (0.042–3.579) 0.402 0.568 (0.058–5.534)0.626
 T493 (90.6) 317 (89.0) 1.000 230 (89.8) 1.000
 G51 (9.4) 39 (11.0) 1.177 (0.746–1.855) 0.484 26 (10.2) 1.183 (0.693–2.018)0.538

aORs and values were obtained after adjusting for age, gender, smoking status, and wine status.