Research Article

Heterogeneous Differential Evolution for Numerical Optimization

Algorithm 1

The dynamic heterogeneous DE (dHDE).
(1) Randomly initialize the population including the variables and ID;
(2) Evaluate the objective fitness value of each individuals in ;
(3) FEs =   ;
(4) while FEs ≤ MAX_FEs do
(5) for   to   do
(6)  if     then
(7)   Use DE/rand/1/bin to generate a trail vector ;
(8)  end
(9)  if     then
(10)   Use DE/best/1/bin to generate a trail vector ;
(11)  end
(12)  if     then
(13)   Use DE/BoR/1/bin to generate a trail vector ;
(14)  end
(15)   Evaluate the objective fitness value of ;
(16)   FEs++;
(17)  if f  ≤   f   then
(19)  end
(20)  else
  /*For static HDE (sHDE), please delete lines 20 22*/
(21)   Randomly assign a new different DE scheme to , (change the value of );
(22)  end
(23)  end
(24) end