Research Article

Factors Associated with the Differences in Migraine Prevalence Rates between Spanish Regions

Table 2

Association analysis of the differences in migraine prevalence by the percentage of population in each region presenting a series of clinical and pathophysiological conditions.

P value (95% CI)Mean (95% CI)

Clinical conditions
 Mild hearing loss 0.07−4.88 (−10.78–1.01)0.01 (0.00–2.75)
 Severe hearing loss 0.20−18.64 (−67.11–29.83)0.00 (0.00– )
 Mild vision loss0.100.695.30 (−6.27–16.88)201.34 (0.00– )
 Severe vision loss0.150.5711.71 (−32.43–55.85) (0.00– )
 Hypo/hyperthyroidism 0.02−17.53 (−35.37–0.30)0.00 (0.00–1.35)
 Osteoarthritis 0.02−3.02 (−6.07–0.03)0.05 (0.00–1.04)
 Depression 0.71−0.84 (−4.55–2.86)0.43 (0.01–17.53)
 Hypercholesterolaemia 0.22−3.14 (−9.45–3.16)0.04 (0.00–23.69)
Body mass
 Obesity0.140.590.01 (−0.05–0.07)1.01 (0.95–1.08)
 Low body weight 0.400.03 (−0.20–0.26)1.03 (0.81–1.30)
Life-limiting conditions
 Severe impairment0.400.112.26 (1.00–4.63)9.63 (1.10–102.10)
 Negligible impairment 0.69−1.17 (−3.01–0.67)0.31 (0.05–1.96)
 Physical limitation0.310.221.43 (−1.41–4.27)4.18 (0.24–71.52)
 Psychological limitation0.350.161.46 (−5.66–8.58)4.31 (0.00– )
 Both physical and psychological limitations 0.04−2.85 (−6.36–0.65)0.06 (0.00–1.92)
Job stress0.300.240.45 (−0.44–1.35)1.58 (0.64–3.88)