Research Article

Many Local Pattern Texture Features: Which Is Better for Image-Based Multilabel Human Protein Subcellular Localization Classification?

Table 1

Comparison SDA results derived from the combination of different local pattern features and global features.

DBFold 1096 dimensional SLFs_LBP feature fed into SDA 1040 dimensional SLFs_CLBP feature fed into SDA 1607 dimensional SLFs_LTrP feature fed into SDA

db1fold 155 (D1-H30-L24)44%50 (D1-H25-C24)48%69 (D2-H21-T46)67%
fold 248 (D3-H22-L23)48%40 (D2-H19-C19)48%59 (D3-H22-T34)58%

db2fold 166 (D1-H39-L26)39%49 (D1-H32-C16)33%70 (D2-H29-T39)56%
fold 249 (D3-H21-L25)51%42 (D3-H23-C16)38%52 (D2-H17-T33)63%

db3fold 158 (D2-H28-L28)48%50 (D1-H27-C22)44%66 (D2-H20-T44)67%
fold 234 (D3-H13-L18)53%44 (D3-H23-C18)41%45 (D2-H12-T31)69%

db4fold 153 (D1-H28-L24)45%53 (D2-H27-C24)45%69 (D22-H3-T44)64%
fold 239 (D1-H16-L22)56%42 (D2-H24-C16)38%48 (D1-H16-T31)65%

db5fold 153 (D1-H25-L27)51%49 (D2-H27-C20)41%64 (D1-H24-T39)61%
fold 244 (D3-H15-L26)59%42 (D3-H19-C20)48%46 (D1-H11-T34)74%

db6fold 149 (D1-H22-L26)53%46 (D2-H23-C21)46%68 (D3-H20-T45)66%
fold 240 (D3-H22-L15)38%46 (D3-H27-C16)35%45 (D1-H13-T31)66%

db7fold 156 (D1-H32-L23)41%49 (D1-H28-C10)20%65 (D3-H19-T43)66%
fold 239 (D3-H18-L18)46%41 (D2-H17-C22)54%42 (D1-H12-T29)69%

db8fold 153 (D1-H26-L26)49%44 (D2-H23-C19)43%61 (D1-H17-T43)70%
fold 240 (D2-H14-L24)60%42 (D2-H21-C19)45%51 (D1-H13-T37)73%

db9fold 154 (D1-H29-L24)44%51 (D3-H31-C17)33%67 (D3-H23-T41)61%
fold 243 (D2-H17-L24)56%43 (D3-H23-C17)40%54 (D2-H16-T36)67%

db10fold 155 (D1-H24-L30)55%45 (D1-H25-C19)42%65 (D2-H23-T40)62%
fold 246 (D2-H17-L27)59%47 (D3-H19-C24)51%52 (D2-H15-T35)67%

D, H, L, C, and T denote DNA-protein overlap feature, Haralick feature, LBP, CLBP, and LTrP, respectively. DB denotes 10 different lengths of vanishing moment of Daubechies wavelet. All percentages denote the proportion of local pattern features in the whole feature set, and boldface type denotes the value closest to the mean of that column.