Research Article

Many Local Pattern Texture Features: Which Is Better for Image-Based Multilabel Human Protein Subcellular Localization Classification?

Table 4

Five evaluation index comparisons based on single-label and entire dataset by using BR model fed into different combinations of local and db6 global features.

Evaluation indexSingle label samples (258 proteins)Entire dataset (348 proteins)

Subset accuracy0.50580.55750.58720.57450.38250.41400.45550.4405
Label accuracy0.83530.84920.85080.84520.80200.81240.83600.8302

258 proteins correspond to single-label samples in our benchmark dataset, and 348 proteins denote entire dataset involved with single-label and multilabel samples.
All columns correspond to average of 2-fold on db6. SLFs denote global features involved with Haralick features and DNA-protein overlap features. Label accuracy denotes the average prediction accuracy of six labels.