Research Article

Evolutionary Multiobjective Query Workload Optimization of Cloud Data Warehouses

Algorithm 2

Multiobjective optimization of cloud database configuration using genetic algorithm.
Input: Set of VM types (VMs), Query workload (W)
Output: A set of pareto-optimal solutions
( ) VM: Set of Virtual Machine types
( ) QP: Set of alternative query plans
( ) N: Set of alternative network bandwidths
( ) p: Population
( ) , : Individuals (parent) selected for crossover or mutation
( ) s: Generated individual
( ) p Generate random individuals(VM, QP, N)
( ) Calculate fitness of individuals(p)
( ) p truncate(p)
( ) B_response_time Find_best_response_time(VMs, W)
( ) Cheapest_cost Find_cheapest_cost(VMs, W)
( ) for     to generations  do
( )  ( , ) Select pair of parents(p)
( )  s Crossover( , )
( )  Replace with least-fit in the population(p, s)
( )  s Mutation(p, s)
( )  Replace with least-fit in the population(p, s)
( )  Replace duplicate_chromosomes(p)
( )  Update B_response_time
( )  Update Cheapest_cost