Research Article

Enhancing Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Self-Adaptive Searching Strategy and Artificial Immune Network Operators for Global Optimization

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of main body of ABC algorithm.
(1)  Generate the initial population
(2)  Evaluate the fitness of the population
(3)  Set cycle to 1
(4)  Repeat
(5)    For each employed bee {
   Produce new solution by using (2)
   Calculate its fitness value
   Apply greedy selection process}
(6)    Calculate the probability values for the solution ( ) by (3)
(7)    For each onlooker bee {
   Select a solution depending on
   Produce new solution
   Calculate its fitness value
   Apply greedy selection process}
(8)  If there is an abandoned solution for the scout,
  then replace it with a new solution which will be randomly produced by (4)
(9)  Memorize the best solution so far
(10) Cycle = cycle +1
(11) Until cycle = MEN