Research Article

Development and Application of New Quality Model for Software Projects

Table 3

Occurrence rating process SWFMEA.

Occurrence rating
Probability of failureRatingCriteria

Very frequently10Shows greater than 80% of defects attributable to subprocess failure
Frequently8Shows greater than 40% of defects & less than 80% of defects attributable to subprocess failure
Sometimes4Shows greater than 10% of defects & less than 40% of defects attributable to subprocess failure
Rare1Shows less than 10% of defects to subprocess failure.

Severity rating

Very high10Rework is greater than 8 ph
High7Rework is greater than 4 ph & <8 ph
Moderate5Rework is greater than 2 ph & <4 ph
Low3Rework is greater than 1 ph & <2 ph
Very low1Rework is greater than 1 ph

Detectability rating

Difficult10No defined methods for identifying the process error; only the o/p prdt analysis leads to detectability
Moderate5Can be identified in the exit phase of the process or subsequent process entry check
Easy1Process has built in checks for identifying subprocess failure