Research Article

Hematology of Wild Caught Dubois’s Tree Frog Polypedates teraiensis, Dubois, 1986 (Anura: Rhacophoridae)

Table 2

Serum biochemical parameters observed in adult males and females of Polypedates teraiensis.

Serum biochemical parametersSex
Male Female 
X ± SD (range)X ± SD (range)

Protein (g/dL) (11.2–12.4) (12.3–13.5)
Cholesterol (g/dL) (1.9–2.1) (2.1–2.3)
Glucose (g/dL)a (44.0–56.0) (60.0–72.0)
Urea (g/dL)a (70.0–72.0) (79.0–81.0)
Uric acid (g/dL) (4.5–5.2) (5.0–5.3)
Creatinine (g/dL)a (3.0–3.2) (2.8–3.0)

X: mean; SD: standard deviation. Difference in values between males and females statistically significant.