Review Article

Attribute Selection Impact on Linear and Nonlinear Regression Models for Crop Yield Prediction

Algorithm 1

Recursive algorithm to perform the optimal attribute subset search.
Function to obtain the best attribute subset on training samples.
Inputs: samples (a set of training samples), potAttr (set of potential attributes), algorithm (MLR,
M5′ or ANN), minYear, maxYear (minimum and maximum year in the training dataset).
resultList is a dynamic list and a global variable. Each entry in this list has the form <testAttr,
where testAttr is an attribute subset and metricMeasures are the metrics results obtained from an
model’s evaluation made with attributescontained in testAttr
Function findBestAttrSubset(samples, potAttr, algorithm, minYear, maxYear) {
localSamples = extract samples from samples in the range minYear, maxYear − 1
validSamples = extract samples from samples with year equals to maxYear
for i = 0 to  sizeOf(potentialAttr) begin
  testAttr = create an empty set of attributes
  testAttr = testAttr   
   // call a recursive procedure to evaluate all attribute subsets starting from the attribute in
  testAttrCombination(potAttr, testAttr, localSamples, validSamples, algorithm)
 return the results at the top of resultList
// Recursive procedure to evaluate an attribute combination
// Inputs: potAttr,  testAttr (a set of attributes); trainSamples,  validSamples (a set of samples),
algorithm (a regression algorithm).
procedure testAttrCombination(potAttr,  testAttr,  trainSamples,  validSamples,  algorithm)
 // make a regression model of algorithm type using trainSamples and testAttr
model = makeRegressionModel(algorithm, trainSamples, testAttr)
 // evaluate a regression model using validSamples
metricMeasures = evalModel(model, validSamples)
 // add the attribute subset and the metric measures in the sorted result list
addResults(resultList, )
index = obtain the highest position of one element of testAttr in potAttr
for i = index + 1 to  length(potAttr) begin
  // add the potential attribute to testAttr
  testAttr = testAttr   
  // recursive call
  testAttrCombination(potAttr, testAttr, trainSamples, validSamples, algorithm)
  // remove the potential attribute i from testAttr
  testAttr = testAttr