Research Article

Efficient Detection of Occlusion prior to Robust Face Recognition

Table 1

Summary of literature works in occluded face recognition.

Category Abbreviation Full name/brief description

Locality emphasized features/classifiers. LFA [5] Local feature analysis.
AMM [6] Gaussian mixture modelling of part-based Eigenface.
SOM-AMM [7] Self-organizing map modelling of part-based Eigenface.
LS-ICA [8] Local salient-independent component analysis.
RD-Subspace [9] Combining reconstructive and discriminative subspace.
ARG [10] Attributed relational graph.
LGBPHS [11] Local Gabor binary patterns histogram sequence.
PSVM [12] Partial support vector machines.

SRC based methods. SRC [13] Sparse representation based classification.
MRF-SRC [14] Markov random field to enforce spatial continuity in SRC.
Gabor-SRC [15] Compressible Gabor feature used in SRC.
SIFT-SRC [16] SIFT feature used in SRC.
RSC [17] Robust sparse coding.

Explicit occlusion analysis facilitated local feature/local component based methods. Part-PCA [18] Occlusion analysis + part-based Eigenface.
S-LNMF [19] Selective local nonnegative matrix factorization.
KLD-LGBPHS [20] Local Gabor binary patterns based on Kullback-Leibler divergence.
OA-LBP [21] Occlusion analysis + LBP (our preliminary work).