Research Article

Parallel Simulation of HGMS of Weakly Magnetic Nanoparticles in Irrotational Flow of Inviscid Fluid

Algorithm 1

(1) Assign initial concentration to every elements in array old_c and new_c.
(2) while (time < end_time) do
   /* Increase normalized time */
  Loop1: FOR ( ) /* For all discrete angle   */
  {Begin: Find column index “ ” of “special” element.
   Check the value .
   IF ( is on the upstream side) DO
   {/* Assign upstream boundary condition */
   new_c[ ][ ] = .
    Apply (5) to compute new_c[ ][ ] for
    Apply (6) to compute new_c[ ][ ] which is
    the special element }
   ELSE IF ( is on the downstream side) DO
   {   Apply (6) to compute new_c[ ][ ] which is
    the special element.
    Apply (5) to compute new_c[ ][ ] for
     /* Assign downstream boundary condition */
      new_c[ ][ ] = old_c[ ][ ]. }
     /* Assign array new_c to old_c for
       computing at next discrete time */
   Loop2: FOR ( )
   Loop3: FOR ( ) {old_c[ ][ ] = new_c[ ][ ] }.
  end:} /* End of simulation */
(3) Save concentration results in all elements.