Research Article

Processing Uncertain RFID Data in Traceability Supply Chains

Algorithm 2

Input: READING, ,
Output: aggregated STAY; SEQ
   For each record’s in READING do
  If includes ’s timestamp //aggregate time interval
    Repair and aggregate ’s timestamp by grouping into STAY;
    Else Repair and aggregate ’s timestamp by grouping the parent of into STAY;
  End if
  If includes ’s node //aggregate nodes
    Aggregate ’s node by grouping into STAY;
  Else Aggregate ’s node by grouping the parent of into STAY;
  End if
  For to the number of paths of -1 do
     For number of paths of to 1 do
        If appears in path(s) of other object(s)
           Denote as the path into SEQ; //aggregate ’s path
        End if
     End for
  End for