Research Article

A Study of Correlations within the Dimensions of Lower Limb Parts for Personal Identification in a Sudanese Population

Table 3

Linear regression equations for reconstruction of lower limb dimensions (in cm) in males.

Regression equation ±SEE value

TL = 31.578 + 1.477 BMB0.3010.091±2.159***
TL = 11.000 + 1.156 × FL0.6490.421±1.722***
TL = 31.434 + 1.054 × FB0.3410.116±2.128***
BMB = 4.263 + 0.062 × TL0.3010.091±0.441***
BMB = 0.631 + 0.234 × FL0.6430.413±0.354***
BMB = 2.945 + 0.400 × FB0.6350.403±0.357***
FL = 11.341 + 0.364 × TL0.6490.421±0.967***
FL = 14.456 + 1.768 × BMB0.6430.413±0.974***
FL = 16.927 + 0.990 × FB0.5700.325±1.044***
FB = 5.098 + 0.110 × TL0.3410.116±0.689***
FB = 2.828 + 1.006 × BMB0.6350.403±0.566***
FB = 0.978 + 0.329 × FL0.5700.325±0.602***

TL: tibial length, BMB: bimalleolar breadth, FL: foot length, FB: foot breadth, : correlation coefficient, : coefficient of determination, and SEE: standard error of estimate.
***The value was significant at the 0.001 level (two-tailed).